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Wellbeing at Broadlands

Wellbeing at Broadlands

Wellbeing is incorporated throughout Broadlands Primary School each day. Positive wellbeing being is taught and constantly modelled by our staff here at Broadlands Primary School.

Daily the children are encouraged to share how they are feeling and to choose an emotion to best describe how they are feeling right in the moment by using the zones of regulations which are part of the fabric of each classroom.

To find out more please ask your class teacher or find the link below, which explains in more detail.


In the school foyer there is a worry box and wish tree that all children have access to and enjoy using.

We have a trained ELSA practitioner in school, children can access ELSA through a variety of ways through their class teacher, self-referral and from parent/carers.

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) is trained to support the emotional well-being of students. This can be from anything with self-confidence, anger management and friendship issues. Typically, the intervention last for six sessions and can be done in group work or one to one sessions. The aim is to build your child’s emotional development and help them cope with life’s challenges.   

At Broadlands we are very fortunate to be working closely with WEST CAHMS which stands for Wellbeing and Emotional Support Teams in Schools

The Wellbeing and Emotional Support Teams (WEST) in schools service is designed to help children and young people ages 5-18 years access mental health and wellbeing support early on in educational settings.

It's all about ensuring children and young people can get access to the right help as early as possible. To assess this service requires a referral process and consent from both child and parent/carers. To start a referral can be done by the child, class teacher or parent/carer. Please contact either your class teacher or family support worker Fay Madeley for more details

Alternately To find out more please see the below link.

Talking with your child about wellbeing can seem daunting, please see this great resource that is a parent/carer guide to supporting children.

(if you would like a print out please ask at the office or your class teacher)

Practising mindfulness is a great way to support positive wellbeing. Take a look here at how famous author Michael Rosen does it:

Also check out what there is on offer in our local area, the below link for talk community has a wealth of knowledge available.

If you need help in accessing the information online, please pop in and ask to speak to our Family Support Worker Fay Madeley.

For further help please see the below link for the EARLY HELP OFFER in Herefordshire -
Being a parent – Herefordshire Council


An important part of wellbeing is safeguarding, at Broadlands our safeguarding leads are Catherine Willis, Lisa Smith and Fay Madeley who are deputy safeguarding leads.


  • Tell
  • Explain
  • Describe

If you have any safeguarding worries or concerns please get in touch. By contacting the school office or by emailing